Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Tuesday, 19th June, 2018 6.00 pm (Item 59.)


The Committee received a report outlining the annual performance of Council services against pre-agreed performance indicators (PIs) and service objectives for Quarter 4 (end of year 2017-18).


The Quarter 4 Priority and Corporate PIs were at Appendices A and B respectively. Members noted that priority PI relating to household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting was slightly under the target of 53% at 52.7%. Further, that some of the long-term absence cases detailed at 4.2.1 had been resolved. Through the survey feedback, it is apparent that the Licensing team were working hard to provide good customer service. However, as the response level to the survey was low officers would do more to publicise the survey the following year. Availability of ICT systems to staff was under target because of issues with vWorkspace, however these issues have now been resolved.


The Committee were advised that following the previous meeting it was being proposed that Members would receive the performance reports informally prior to committees to ensure that they received the figures in a more timely manner.


Members were pleased to note the new format of the Annual Report at Appendix C of the report.


During discussion the following points were raised:-


·       A Member referred to the Homelessness performance indicators and was pleased to see that there were now regular updates to this Committee following the recommendations made by the Task and Finish Group.

·       In the Annual Report information had been provided on the 3,542 tonnes of garden waste collected in Chiltern and Wycombe and this would be amended to refer to South Bucks.

·       Reference was then made to the development at Pinewood which was the highest business ratepayer in the Districts.

·       A Member commented that it was difficult to control long term sickness absence but this was being managed by managers, with support from HR and occupational health. Another Member commented that there were higher sickness levels in the public sector than the private sector. The Director of Resources reported that comparative figures with other Councils of similar size were presented to the Joint Staffing Committee for consideration. A suggestion was made to revisit the sickness policy. The Director of Resources stated that the current policy was fit for purpose but that they were working with Managers to ensure that the policy was enforced effectively, for example training was being provided on this area. Another Member made reference to the health and wellbeing of staff and the importance of analysing this through the staff survey. The Director of Resources reported that manager training was also in place for this area and recent mental health sessions had been held for all staff which had been organised through MIND. A Member suggested that it would be helpful to have a further discussion on this area including what improvements were being made since the new process had been implemented and more detail on the sickness management policy.


RESOLVED that the performance reports be noted and that a further report be submitted to the Committee on the management of the sickness policy.

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